州立农场客户响应组 arrives after a catastrophe.


这不是一般的工作, 也适用于State Farm®客户响应小组的成员, 这是最快的帮助方式.

The 州立农场客户响应组 (CRU) — the largest customer response unit and fleet in the insurance industry — serves community members impacted by a catastrophe, 比如严重的 storms, 飓风, wildfires and 地震.


The 州立农场客户响应组 races to respond to emergencies with essentials — and teddy bears — in tow.

When Hurricane Ida made landfall in Louisiana the summer of 2021, 地面上的破坏是显而易见的. 这是该州遭受的第二大破坏性风暴, 以每小时150英里的风速袭击整个社区. Thousands lost access to power and many were unable to stay in their homes.

但在幕后,还是有很多希望的. For the 州立农场客户响应组, a disaster such as Ida is a chance to spring into action. “我们在那里确保他们的安全,并倾听他们的意见,威利·克洛曼说, 达拉斯的操作技术人员, who spent weeks on the ground after he was deployed as part of the team to areas affected by Hurricane Ida.


When disaster strikes, the CRU is ready to distribute essential supplies and speed recovery. "The goal is to get essentials to entire families while making sure that those affected can access State Farm offerings as quickly as possible,吉娜·威尔肯说, 他是理查森的公共事务专家, Texas, who was also deployed as part of the CRU during Hurricane Ida. “It’s a community effort, and we try to do whatever it takes to fill the gaps.”


Kroneman and Wilken left their respective homes just days after Ida hit. Those deployed as part of the CRU drive the roads to provide lifesaving items such as cold drinking water and flashlights as well as teddy bears and coloring books for children. 他们甚至有喝水的碗 毛茸茸的家庭成员. The goal is to offer must-haves that can be difficult to access during an emergency. 

Another sought-after item that’s distributed by the CRU: gloves. "Many people need to protect their hands from cuts and scrapes during cleanup of branches and homes, and people often don’t realize how important gloves can be to recovery威尔肯说. “You don’t think about them until your house is caved in from a fallen tree and you don’t have gloves to remove debris,她说。.

但这不仅仅是分发关键物品. 移情是关键. Local residents experiencing a weather-related catastrophe often just need someone to speak to about the experience. 团队处理从 tornadoes and flooding to wildfires 和飓风. Many are shocked and in disbelief — the State Farm CRU steps in to offer comfort. “每个人都有自己的故事,”威尔肯说. “Most of it is just listening and being a part of the community.”

对于州立农场的员工, 包括威尔肯和克罗曼, the most rewarding part is to be some of the first people on the ground. "The teams give out their critical supplies to everyone — not just those insured by State Farm — and that plays a key role in on-the-ground support,Kroneman解释道. “We help everyone, whether or not they are customers,” he says.

在部署期间,团队直接与本地用户合作 州立农场代理 以便更好地了解受影响最大的地区. Often that means going out to areas that have lost power or have experienced the heaviest damage. 白天很长,大多数从早上5点开始.m. 晚上11点结束.m.威尔肯说.

在计划阶段也有很多需要关注的地方. The organizing team, housed in Bloomington, Illinois, can deploy 设备及车辆 在整个美国.S. 不到48小时. Workers are deployed on a volunteer basis and have to go through emergency training. "It’s a chance to give back at a time when offering help is most critical," says Kroneman.

For State Farm teams on the ground, the Ida experience is one they’ll always remember. 在几周的时间里, cru覆盖了1个以上,300 miles through 18 cities and eight parishes to help residents recover from the category 4 hurricane. 克罗内曼说:“我非常高兴能去. “我们给了他们我们所拥有的一切.”

If you’re a State Farm policyholder and have experienced a catastrophe, 联系你的州立农场代理 first. 如果你联系不上你经纪人的办公室, call our customer representatives 24/7 at 800-SF-CLAIM (800-732-5246) or visit the 理赔帮助组 的unpopperuno.com®.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with State Farm® (including State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. State Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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这不是一般的工作, 也适用于州立农场灾难团队®的成员, 这是最快的帮助方式.